
Showing posts from September, 2020


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Tetap Cek ke Dokter Saat Pandemi Bila Alami Masalah Kesehatan

Graha BNPB Jakarta 30 September 2020 - Ibu hamil positif Covid-19 sebaiknya mematuhi protokol kesehatan serta menginformasikan statusnya pada dokter kandungan.  Dalam talkshow bertema "Para Pahlawan Kesehatan di Pusaran Pandemi" di Media Center Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 (Satgas Covid-19) Graha BNPB Jakarta pada Rabu (30/9) siang, dr. Muhammad Fadli, Sp.OG mengatakan ibu hamil yang positif Covid-19 disarankan banyak mengkonsumsi vitamin untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuhnya.  "Ibu hamil yang positif Covid-19 itu harus banyak mengkonsumsi vitamin C, guna meningkatkan imunitas tubuhnya," ujarnya.  dr. Fadli mengatakan ibu hamil positif Covid-19 tanpa gejala alias OTG sebaiknya melakukan isolasi mandiri dan berkonsultasi dengan dokter kandungannya.  Dalam konsultasi nantinya, kata Fadli, dokter akan memberikan nasehat mengkonsumsi multivitamin.    "Kalau ada gejala berat, misalnya batuk, sebaiknya datang ke rumah sakit untuk segera mendapat tindakan...

The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price.

The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. Governments and restaurant owners wanted to get back to business. But bars and restaurants have become a focal point for clusters of Covid infections. A recent evening on Broadway in downtown Nashville, where masks are required by law and signs encourage social distancing. Credit... William DeShazer for The New York Times Aug. 12, 2020 Updated 3:39 p.m. ET Across the United States this summer, restaurants and bars, reeling from mandatory lockdowns and steep financial declines, opened their doors to customers, thousands of whom had been craving deep bowls of farro, frothy margaritas and juicy burgers smothered in glistening onions. But... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger illness in creature...


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price.

The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price. Governments and restaurant owners wanted to get back to business. But bars and restaurants have become a focal point for clusters of Covid infections. A recent evening on Broadway in downtown Nashville, where masks are required by law and signs encourage social distancing. Credit… William DeShazer for The New York Times Aug. 12, 2020 Updated 3:39 p.m. ET Across the United States this summer, restaurants and bars, reeling from mandatory lockdowns and steep financial declines, opened their doors to customers, thousands of whom had been craving deep bowls of farro, frothy margaritas and juicy burgers smothered in glistening onions. But… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger illness in creatures as...

Kesembuhan Harian Kembali Melampaui Penambahan Kasus Positif Baru

JAKARTA - Pasien sembuh dari Covid-19 per 30 September 2020 bertambah lagi sebanyak 4.510 kasus. Jumlah total pasien sembuh secara nasional kini mencapai 214.947 kasus.  Dari data Kementerian Kesehatan per hari ini jumlah spesimen yang selesai diperiksa sebanyak 45.496 spesimen dan kumulatifnya mencapai 3.321.898 spesimen.  Untuk suspek hari ini sebanyak 132.693 kasus. Kasus aktif di Indonesia per hari ini sejumlah 61.321 kasus. Pasien positif baru hari ini masih bertambah sebanyak 4.284 kasus dan kumulatifnya mencapai 287.008 kasus. Pada kasus meninggal hari ini sebanyak 139 kasus dan totalnya mencapai 10.740 kasus. Positive rate hari ini berada di angka 14,4%. Per hari ini juga, jumlah orang yang diperiksa sebanyak 30.940 orang dan kumulatifnya sejauh ini sudah mencapai 1.993.694 orang. Untuk sebaran wilayah masih terjadi di 34 provinsi dan 497 kabupaten/kota.  Lalu, untuk rincian kasus tiga besar per provinsi, DKI Jakarta menambahkan pasien sembuh terbanyak harian ...

Cegah Klaster COVID-19 dengan Memahami Penyebarannya

Graha BNPB Jakarta 30 September 2020 - Masyarakat harus memahami penyebaran COVID-19 guna mencegah terjadinya klaster-klaster. Dalam talkshow bertema “COVID-19 dalam Angka: Ragam Klaster di Indonesia" di Media Center Satuan Tugas Penanganan COVID-19 (Satgas COVID-19) Graha BNPB Jakarta pada Selasa (30/9) siang Tim Pakar Satgas COVID-19 Dr. Dewi Nur Aisyah memamaparkan bagaimana memahami potensi penularan virus corona untuk mencegah timbulnya klaster.  Jika salah satu rekan satu ruangan di kantor atau anggota keluarga positif COVID-19, maka kru sekantor dan keluarga wajib melakukan swab test. Selama hasil swab belum keluar semua wajib melakukan isolasi mandiri.  "Harus paham potensi penularan dari siapa. Jika sudah ada gejala langsung pakai masker," papar Dr. Dewi Nur Aisyah.  Dewi mengingatkan penerapan protokol kesehatan dilakukan saat menerima kunjungan tamu dari luar. Pergunakan masker, cuci tangan, dan jaga jarak.  "Kurangi kegiatan sosial di masyarakat ka...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Coronavirus Live Updates

Coronavirus Live Updates Coronavirus Live Updates Coronavirus Live Updates A group of 34 health experts warned about the perils of new U.S. rules on virus data collection. Penn State is requiring students to sign a waiver absolving the university of liability for exposure to the virus on campus. Right Now Kentucky reported 1,080 new cases, a single-day record for the state. Image A closed school in Brooklyn. Credit… Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times New York principals and teachers call for the mayor to delay in-person instruction by several weeks. As U.S. school districts struggled with the complications of reopening during the pandemic, New York City’s bid to become the… NCC2020723 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a transmittable disease caused by a recently discovered coronavirus. Most individuals contaminated with the COVID-19 infection will certainly experience moderate to modest breathing illness as well as re...

Hindari COVID-19, Gaya Hidup Sehat bagi Obesitas

Graha BNPB Jakarta 29 September 2020 - Mereka yang mengalami obesitas sangat rentan terserang virus corona (Covid-19). Ketua Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Gizi Klinik Indonesia (PDGKI) Jawa Barat Dr. dr. Gaga Irawan Nugraha, Sp.GK, MGizi mengatakan saat awal Covid-19 meningkat mereka yang mengalami obesitas menjadi salah satu faktor risiko yang terkena. Dalam talkshow bertema "Obesitas dan Risiko Covid-19" di Media Center Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 (Satgas Covid-19) Graha BNPB Jakarta pada Selasa (29/9) sore, Dr. Gaga mengatakan setelah Covid-19 di Amerika Serikat pada bulan April 2020 melaporkan lebih dari 42 persen kasus kematian di Kota New York ternyata mereka yang mengalami obesitas. Kasus obesitas ini nomor dua setelah hipertensi. Kenapa? Obesitas itu memiliki lemak lebih besar pada permukaan sehingga reseptor menempel virus lebih luas. Dengan kondisi tersebut mereka yang mengalami obesitas lebih mudah kena Covid-19. "Lemak tubuh mereka yang mengalami o...

Coronavirus Live Updates

Coronavirus Live Updates Coronavirus Live Updates Coronavirus Live Updates A group of 34 health experts warned about the perils of new U.S. rules on virus data collection. Penn State is requiring students to sign a waiver absolving the university of liability for exposure to the virus on campus. Right Now Kentucky reported 1,080 new cases, a single-day record for the state. Image A closed school in Brooklyn. Credit... Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times New York principals and teachers call for the mayor to delay in-person instruction by several weeks. As U.S. school districts struggled with the complications of reopening during the pandemic, New York City’s bid to become the... NCC2020723 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a transmittable disease caused by a recently discovered coronavirus. Most individuals contaminated with the COVID-19 infection will certainly experience moderate to modest breathing illness as well as...

Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases

Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases The E.P.A. has approved nootkatone, which is found in cedars and grapefruit. It repels ticks, mosquitoes and other dangerous bugs for hours, but is safe enough to eat.One proposed use is in soaps that people in tick-infested areas could shower with, repelling and possibly killing ticks that try to attach to them.Credit...Bertrand Guay/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAug. 10, 2020Updated 10:18 a.m. ETAdding a new weapon to the fight against insect-borne illnesses like Lyme disease and malaria, the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday approved a new chemical that both repels and kills ticks and mosquitoes.The chemical, nootkatone, an oil found in... NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the disease brought on by the brand-new coronavirus that ari...


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases

Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases The E.P.A. has approved nootkatone, which is found in cedars and grapefruit. It repels ticks, mosquitoes and other dangerous bugs for hours, but is safe enough to eat.One proposed use is in soaps that people in tick-infested areas could shower with, repelling and possibly killing ticks that try to attach to them.Credit…Bertrand Guay/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAug. 10, 2020Updated 10:18 a.m. ETAdding a new weapon to the fight against insect-borne illnesses like Lyme disease and malaria, the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday approved a new chemical that both repels and kills ticks and mosquitoes.The chemical, nootkatone, an oil found in… NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the disease brought on by the brand-new coronavirus that arised ...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests

Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests The country became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.In this video screen grab made available by Moscow’s Sechenov Medical University, a volunteer receives the vaccine as part of clinical trials.Credit...Sechenov Medical University Press Office, via Getty ImagesAug. 11, 2020Updated 6:43 p.m. ETMOSCOW — Russia has become the first country in the world to approve a vaccine for the coronavirus, President Vladimir V. Putin announced on Tuesday, though global health authorities say the vaccine has yet to complete critical, late-stage clinical trials to determine its... NCC2020723 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious condition ...


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests

Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests The country became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.In this video screen grab made available by Moscow’s Sechenov Medical University, a volunteer receives the vaccine as part of clinical trials.Credit…Sechenov Medical University Press Office, via Getty ImagesAug. 11, 2020Updated 6:43 p.m. ETMOSCOW — Russia has become the first country in the world to approve a vaccine for the coronavirus, President Vladimir V. Putin announced on Tuesday, though global health authorities say the vaccine has yet to complete critical, late-stage clinical trials to determine its… NCC2020723 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious condition caus...

Prof. Wiku: Rapid Test Antigen Bisa Digunakan Di Indonesia

Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden JAKARTA - Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 menilai Indonesia dimungkinkan bisa menggunakan rapid test antigen sesuai rekomendasi Badan Kesehatan Dunia atau World Health Organization (WHO). Rapid test ini dijelaskan Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito bisa mengeluarkan hasil test Covid-19 dalam beberapa menit.  "Tentunya alat ini bisa digunakan di Indonesia sesuai yang direkomendasikan WHO dan bisa menggantikan rapid test antibody, dan fungsi screening yang dilakukan rapid test tersebut menjadi lebih efektif dan tidak menjadi beban untuk RT PCR sebagai standar penegakan diagnosa," ia menanggapi pertanyaan media dalam jumpa pers yang disiarkan kanal YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Selasa (29/9/2020).  Selain itu Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 tengah mengkaji sasaran prioritas vaksin yang disesuaikan dengan kelompok risiko penularan virus Covid-19. Termasuk elemen-elemen yang diperlukan dalam vaksinasi itu mulai dari s...

Upaya Tracing Membutuhkan Sinergi Masyakarat

Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden AKARTA - Sejauh ini pemerintah sudah cukup berhasil meningkatkan kapasitas testing (pemeriksaan) dan treatment (perawatan) pasien Covid-19. Meskipun secara nasional angka testing belum mencapai target Badan Kesehatan Dunia atau Wolrd Health Organization (WHO), sudah ada beberapa provinsi yang melampaui target ini. Selain itu angka kesembuhan juga meningkat dari waktu ke waktu yang mana ini menunjukkan treatment yang dilakukan berkontribusi terhadap naiknya angka kesembuhan pasien Covid-19.  Meski demikian Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito mengakui adanya kendala terbesar ialah tracing. Karena banyaknya resistensi dari masyarakat di lapangan akibat adanya stigma negatif dari masyarakat terhadap penderita Covid-19. Dan ini harus dihindari. Diperparah adanya berita bohong yang menghilangkan rasa percaya terhadap pasien yang menjadi subyek tracing.  "3T (testing, tracing dan treatment) merupakan upaya yang...

Kabupaten Ngada Contoh Penyelenggaraan Pilkada Yang Aman Dari Covid-19

Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden JAKARTA - Meski sudah diingatkan berkali-kali, namun Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 masih menemukan pasangan calon (Paslon) peserta Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Tahun 2020 yang mengundang kerumunan dan tidak mematuhi protokol kesehatan.  "Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 prihatin dan kecewa. Kami berharap bahwa temuan ini adalah yang terakhir. Maka kasus ini dapat menjadi perhatian dan pelajaran bagi Paslon agar betul-betul patuh pada protokol kesehatan. Mari kita selamatkan diri anda dan pemilih anda," ungkap Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito dalam jumpa pers di Kantor Presiden yang disiarkan kanal YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Selasa (29/9/2020).  Padahal para Paslon harus menjadi contoh yang baik bagi pemilihnya di daerah dengan cara selalu mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Hindari melakukan kegiatan yang dapat memicu timbulnya kerumunan.  Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 kata Wiku mengapresiasi daerah-da...

Tingkat Kesembuhan Covid-19 Membaik Pada 399 Kabupaten/Kota

Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden JAKARTA - Persentase kesembuhan pasien Covid-19 di sebagian besar kabupaten/kota di Indonesia memiliki angka kesembuhan yang cukup baik. Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito menyebut 77,6% atau 399 dari 514 kabupaten/kota memiliki tingkat kesembuhan antara 50 - 100%. "Ini adalah hal yang baik yang perlu dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan agar kesembuhannya bisa mencapai 100%. Apabila penanganan kasusnya baik dan dini, maka potensi mendapatkan kesembuhan 100% sangat besar," ungkapnya dalam jumpa pers Perkembangan Penanganan Covid-19 di Kantor Presiden, Selasa (29/9/2020) yang disiarkan kanal YouTube Sekretariat Presiden.  Meski demikian 19,3% atau sebanyak 99 kabupaten/kota yang memiliki persentase kesembuhan kurang dari 50%. Pemerintah daerah setempat diminta untuk dapat meningkatkan kesembuhan dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan dan penanganan dini. Juga segera berkoodinasi dengan Kementerian Kesehatan dan ...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Kesembuhan Harian Meningkat Pesat di Sulawesi Selatan

JAKARTA - Dari data Kementerian Kesehatan per 29 September 2020, pasien sembuh terus bertambah. Hari ini saja pasien sembuh dari Covid-19 bertambah sebanyak 3.567 kasus. Dengan jumlah kumulatif sudah menembus angka 210.437 kasus. Penambahan kesembuhan harian tertinggi masih berasal dari DKI Jakarta sebanyak 1.118 kasus dan kumulatifnya menembus angka 58.775 kasus.  Yang cukup tinggi kesembuhannya hari ini, berada di Sulawesi Selatan dengan 463 kasus dan kumulatifnya 11.966 kasus. Secara kumulatif provinsi ini menduduki urutan kelima tertinggi. Data sehari sebelumnya atau 28 September 2020, provinsi ini mencatatkan kesembuhan sebanyak 175 kasus. Jawa Timur menambahkan harian ketiga terbanyak dengan 385 kasus dan kumulatifnya mencapai 36.708 kasus dan masih menjadi kedua tertinggi. Untuk kesembuhan secara kumulatif Jawa Tengah urutan ketiga dengan 15.834 kasus termasuk tambahan hari ini sebanyak 260 kasus. Kasus Covid-19 yang masih aktif per hari ini sejumlah 61.686. Sementara pad...

Analisis Data COVID-19 Indonesia (Update Per 27 September 2020)

Alur dan Sumber Data Sumber data yang digunakan dalam analisis ini merupakan data yang berasal dari Kementerian Kesehatan. Satuan Tugas Penanganan COVID-19 menerima data konfirmasi kasus positif dari Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Litbangkes) dengan sistem  New All Record  yang kemudian diverifikasi oleh  Public Health Emergency Operating Center  (PHEOC) dan dikirimkan melalui Pusat Data dan Informasi (Pusdatin) Kementerian Kesehatan. Data individual dari Pusdatin Kementerian Kesehatan masuk ke sistem Bersatu Lawan COVID (BLC) di bawah Satuan Tugas Penanganan COVID-19 dan diterima setiap hari. Data individual pasien di rumah sakit (termasuk OTG, ODP, PDP, positif yang kini disebut kasus suspek dan terkonfirmasi) didapatkan melalui sistem RS Online yang dikelola oleh Dirjen Pelayanan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan dan dikirimkan oleh Pusdatin Kemenkes. Data COVID-19 bersifat sangat dinamis sehingga dapat berubah sesuai dengan hasil verifikasi yang...

Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million

Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Clusters at schools and their sports teams are emerging. Russia approved a vaccine that has yet to complete clinical trials, and its announcement raises fears that the country is rushing for political purposes. Right NowThe Big Ten and the Pac-12, two of college football’s wealthiest and most powerful conferences, abandoned their plans to play this fall.ImageMedics treat a woman with Covid-like symptoms in Austin last week.Credit...John Moore/Getty ImagesThe governor of Texas says virus cases are still too numerous to warrant reopening.Gov. Greg Abbott, meeting with leaders in Texas’s sprawling Gulf Coast region to discuss his Covid-19 strategy, strongly suggested Tuesday... NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the disease brought on by the new coronavirus that ar...


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million

Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million Clusters at schools and their sports teams are emerging. Russia approved a vaccine that has yet to complete clinical trials, and its announcement raises fears that the country is rushing for political purposes. Right NowThe Big Ten and the Pac-12, two of college football’s wealthiest and most powerful conferences, abandoned their plans to play this fall.ImageMedics treat a woman with Covid-like symptoms in Austin last week.Credit…John Moore/Getty ImagesThe governor of Texas says virus cases are still too numerous to warrant reopening.Gov. Greg Abbott, meeting with leaders in Texas’s sprawling Gulf Coast region to discuss his Covid-19 strategy, strongly suggested Tuesday… NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the disease brought on by the new coronavirus that arised...