
Showing posts from August, 2020

Indonesia: Orang Tua dan Pengasuh Mengupayakan Imunisasi Rutin yang Aman untuk Anak-anak Mereka Selama COVID-19

Survei menunjukkan bahwa orang tua yang mengetahui pedoman imunisasi aman yang diterapkan oleh otoritas kesehatan lebih bersedia membawa anak mereka untuk vaksinasi   Jakarta, 31 Agustus 2020 - Berdasarkan survei  cepat terbaru tentang persepsi orang tua dan pengasuh terhadap pelayanan imunisasi rutin selama masa pandemi COVID-19 , masyarakat mengharapkan tersedianya pelayanan imunisasi rutin yang aman selama pandemi COVID-19. Survei tersebut dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan dengan dukungan dari UNICEF yang berlangsung dari 4 hingga 13 Juli 2020 di 34 provinsi itu, telah berhasil mengumpulkan tanggapan secara daring dari hampir 7.000 orang tua dan pengasuh anak di bawah usia dua tahun. Menurut survei, separuh dari orang tua dan pengasuh membawa anak-anak mereka untuk imunisasi rutin selama dua bulan terakhir, sementara separuh lainnya tidak menghadiri sesi imunisasi baik karena kondisi pandemi COVID-19 atau karena anak-anak mereka tidak membutuhkan vaksin dalam jangka ...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Media Massa Punya Andil Besar dalam Melawan dan Mengakhiri COVID-19

JAKARTA – Media massa berperan penting dalam melakukan penyebaran informasi mengenai COVID-19. Tak hanya menyebarkan, media massa dapat menjangkau masyarakat secara luas. Informasi maupun pesan yang sampai diharapkan dapat dipahami untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran diri dan kolektif dalam mengakhiri penularan COVID-19.  TVRI sebagai televisi pertama di Indonesia sudah melakukan pemberitaan mengenai COVID-19 sejak awal pandemi ini masuk ke Indonesia. Komitmen ini juga ditunjukkan dengan pemberitaan yang konsisten hingga hari ini. “Rata-rata kita kirim 20-25 orang sekali kirim tim. Kemudian ada yang stand by juga di studio 4 pemerintahan, dan ketika menggunakan daring kita menggunakan auditorium dan kita akan selalu mendukung kebijakan pemerintah," jelas Usrin Usman selaku Direktur Program dan Berita LPP TVRI di Media Center Satuan Tugas Penanganan COVID-19, Jakarta, Senin (31/8).  Tidak hanya TVRI, RRI juga melakukan hal yang sama. Sejak 26 Maret 2020, kebijakan siaran RRI diarahk...

Peran Komunikasi Publik dan Kemauan Diri Sendiri untuk Akhiri Pandemi

JAKARTA - Penanganan COVID-19 yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini melibatkan keterlibatan dan kerja sama dari banyak pihak. Termasuk upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Penanganan COVID-19 melalui Tim Komunikasi Publik. Donny BU, perwakilan Satgas Penanganan COVID-19, mengungkapkan bahwa dalam tim komunikasi publik terbagi lagi menjadi 7 tim yang melibatkan berbagai institusi berbeda. Salah satunya merupakan tim 3, yakni bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola konten infografik.  “Komunikasi publik itu besar sekali aspeknya, salah satu komponen yang kami pegang yang kami kelola adalah untuk produksi konten-konten digital infografis khususnya,” ucap Donny pada talkshow yang digelar di Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Senin (31/8). Selain membuat konten-konten digital, tim 3 yang terdiri dari relawan-relawan anak muda turut memetakan kondisi saat ini melalui harian cetak, media sosial, serta dokumen dan laporan situasi Satgas Penanganan COVID-19. Tim Komunikasi Publik yang tergabung...

Pentingnya Melakukan Imunisasi Sebagai Langkah Awal Melawan COVID-19

JAKARTA - Imunisasi telah disepakati sebagai salah satu hal yang penting untuk dilakukan sejak dini. Melakukan imunisasi dianggap sebagai langkah awal dalam melawan virus COVID-19. Oleh karena itu, imunisasi menjadi prioritas nasional dan standar minimum beban kewajibannya pemerintah daerah.  Beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru imunisasi tidak perlu diperdebatkan apakah merupakan suatu yang penting ataupun tidak. Saat ini kendala dalam melakukan imunisasi hanya bagaimana cara dalam mengatur operasionalnya. Tentu saja hal ini berhadapan dengan COVID-19 yang harus tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Imunisasi biasanya dilakukan di puskesmas dan posyandu. Selain itu, sekolah-sekolah juga biasanya melakukan imunisasi terhadap murid-muridnya. Dengan adanya pandemi,  melakukan imunisasi sekarang dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda. Achmad Yurianto selaku Direktur Jenderal P2P Kementerian Kesehatan menyatakan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia harus memahami bahwa anak-anak itu merupakan ma...

Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy

Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy MOSCOW — To the boys, it was just a sugary treat. To their parents, prominent medical researchers, what happened in their Moscow apartment that day in 1959 was a vital experiment with countless lives at stake — and their own children as guinea pigs.“We formed a kind of line,” Dr. Peter Chumakov, who was 7 at the time, recalled in an interview. Into each waiting mouth, a parent popped a sugar cube laced with weakened poliovirus — an early vaccine against a dreaded disease. “I was eating it from the hands of my mother.”Today, that same vaccine is gaining renewed... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger diseases in creatures as well as birds. In people, coronaviruses create respiratory system system infections that can vary from ...

Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy

Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy MOSCOW — To the boys, it was just a sugary treat. To their parents, prominent medical researchers, what happened in their Moscow apartment that day in 1959 was a vital experiment with countless lives at stake — and their own children as guinea pigs.“We formed a kind of line,” Dr. Peter Chumakov, who was 7 at the time, recalled in an interview. Into each waiting mouth, a parent popped a sugar cube laced with weakened poliovirus — an early vaccine against a dreaded disease. “I was eating it from the hands of my mother.”Today, that same vaccine is gaining renewed… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger diseases in creatures as well as birds. In people, coronaviruses create respiratory system system infections that can vary from mo...

Sebanyak 125.959 Pasien Sembuh dari Covid-19 di Indonesia

JAKARTA - Jumlah kesembuhan per hari ini bertambah sebanyak 1.774 kasus. Secara nasional, data Kementerian Kesehatan per 31 Agustus 2020 mencatat ada 125.959 pasien sembuh dari Covid-19.  Jumlah kesembuhan harian tertinggi berada di DKI Jakarta dengan 404 kasus dan totalnya mencapai 30.538 kasus. Setelah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur mencatatkan kesembuhan harian sebanyak 383 kasus dengan total 26.139 kasus. Dan Jawa Tengah menambahkan 100 kasus dengan total menjadi 8.973 kasus. Dari sisi penambahan kasus positif baru, hari ini ada 2.743 kasus dan jumlah kumulatifnya menjadi 174.796 kasus. Total kasus aktif per hari ini berjumlah 41.420. Penambahan terbanyak hari ini di DKI Jakarta dengan 1.049 kasus. Total kumulatif menjadi 40.086 kasus.  Diikuti dengan Jawa Timur dengan jumlah 323 kasus dan total kumulatif menjadi 33.543 kasus. Ketiga terbanyak berada di Jawa Tengah dengan 179 kasus dan kumulatifnya menjadi 13.964 kasus.  Sementara untuk kasus kematian bertambah sebanyak ...

Infografis COVID-19 (31 Agustus 2020)

Untuk mendapatkan infografis dalam resolusi tinggi atau versi bahasa Inggris (English version), silakan kunjungi tautan berikut  ini . from RSS Feed - Berita Terkini

Infografis COVID-19 (30 Agustus 2020)

Untuk mendapatkan infografis dalam resolusi tinggi atau versi bahasa Inggris (English version), silakan kunjungi tautan berikut  ini . from RSS Feed - Berita Terkini


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes

In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes Like many countries, Norway ordered all gyms to close in March to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But unlike any other nation, Norway also funded a rigorous study to determine whether the closings were really necessary.It is apparently the first and only randomized trial to test whether people who work out at gyms with modest restrictions are at greater risk of infection from the coronavirus than those who do not. The tentative answer after two weeks: no.So this week, responding to the study it funded, Norway reopened all of its gyms, with the same safeguards in place that were… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger conditions in mammals and also birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory system system infec...

In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes

In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes In Norway, Gymgoers Avoid Infections as Virus Recedes Like many countries, Norway ordered all gyms to close in March to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But unlike any other nation, Norway also funded a rigorous study to determine whether the closings were really necessary.It is apparently the first and only randomized trial to test whether people who work out at gyms with modest restrictions are at greater risk of infection from the coronavirus than those who do not. The tentative answer after two weeks: no.So this week, responding to the study it funded, Norway reopened all of its gyms, with the same safeguards in place that were... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger conditions in mammals and also birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory system system inf...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Infografis COVID-19 (29 Agustus 2020)

Untuk mendapatkan infografis dalam resolusi tinggi atau versi bahasa Inggris (English version), silakan kunjungi tautan berikut  ini . from RSS Feed - Berita Terkini

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Here’s what you need to know:Only 1 in 10 U.S. coronavirus cases are likely to have been identified, C.D.C. chief says.Texas pauses its reopening and moves to free up room in hospitals as cases rise.As Florida cases rise, its governor says he doesn’t intend to move to the next reopening phase.More than $1.4 billion in stimulus checks went to dead people, the Government Accountability Office said.New York City is on track to ease more restrictions on July 6, the mayor said.Here’s how the virus stayed a step ahead of the American authorities.The W.H.O. faced pointed questions about its response in... NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the condition brought on by the brand-new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019. COVID-19 symptoms include coughing, high temperature, lack of breat...

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. and Global News Here’s what you need to know:Only 1 in 10 U.S. coronavirus cases are likely to have been identified, C.D.C. chief says.Texas pauses its reopening and moves to free up room in hospitals as cases rise.As Florida cases rise, its governor says he doesn’t intend to move to the next reopening phase.More than $1.4 billion in stimulus checks went to dead people, the Government Accountability Office said.New York City is on track to ease more restrictions on July 6, the mayor said.Here’s how the virus stayed a step ahead of the American authorities.The W.H.O. faced pointed questions about its response in… NCC2020723 COVID-19 is the condition brought on by the brand-new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019. COVID-19 symptoms include coughing, high temperature, lack of breath...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases

Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Scientists in Britain announced a major breakthrough in the battle against the coronavirus last week, reporting they had found the first drug to reduce deaths among critically ill Covid-19 patients.The results were first made public in a sparsely detailed news release. Now the full study, neither peer reviewed nor published yet, has been posted online, and it holds a surprise.The drug — a cheap, widely available steroid called dexamethasone — does seem to help patients in dire straits, the data suggest. But it also may be risky for patients with milder illness, and the timing of the treatment is critical.The... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a group of associated infections that cause diseases in animals as well as birds. In human beings, coronaviruses...

Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases

Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Breakthrough Drug for Covid-19 May Be Risky for Mild Cases Scientists in Britain announced a major breakthrough in the battle against the coronavirus last week, reporting they had found the first drug to reduce deaths among critically ill Covid-19 patients.The results were first made public in a sparsely detailed news release. Now the full study, neither peer reviewed nor published yet, has been posted online, and it holds a surprise.The drug — a cheap, widely available steroid called dexamethasone — does seem to help patients in dire straits, the data suggest. But it also may be risky for patients with milder illness, and the timing of the treatment is critical.The… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a group of associated infections that cause diseases in animals as well as birds. In human beings, coronaviruses c...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases

Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Here’s what you need to know:California’s governor reports more than 7,000 new cases over the last day.The U.S. just recorded its third-highest total of new cases, as hospitalizations rise in some states.Houston’s hospitals are running out of intensive-care beds.New York will require out-of-state travelers coming from hard-hit states to quarantine upon arrival.The global economy will shrink 4.9 percent this year, the I.M.F. predicts in a dismal forecast.In Yemen, the toll of the pandemic is rising. So is the cost of a burial.How the world is learning to live with a virus that’s here to stay.Dolores Park in San Francisco on... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of associa...

Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases

Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Coronavirus Live Updates: California’s Governor Reports More Than 7,000 New Cases Here’s what you need to know:California’s governor reports more than 7,000 new cases over the last day.The U.S. just recorded its third-highest total of new cases, as hospitalizations rise in some states.Houston’s hospitals are running out of intensive-care beds.New York will require out-of-state travelers coming from hard-hit states to quarantine upon arrival.The global economy will shrink 4.9 percent this year, the I.M.F. predicts in a dismal forecast.In Yemen, the toll of the pandemic is rising. So is the cost of a burial.How the world is learning to live with a virus that’s here to stay.Dolores Park in San Francisco on… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of associate...

Pasien Sembuh Bertambah Menjadi 122.802 Kasus

JAKARTA - Penambahan pasien sembuh dari COVID-19 per 29 Agustus 2020, sebanyak 1.902 kasus. Total kasus sembuh sejauh ini sudah mencapai 122.802 kasus. Untuk jumlah suspek hari ini ada 76.252 kasus dan 28.905 spesimen. DKI Jakarta menjadi penyumbang terbanyak dengan tambahan 599 kasus sembuh dan totalnya saat ini sudah mencapai 29.768 kasus. Diikuti Jawa Timur dengan tambahan 305 kasus dan totalnya mencapai 25.533 kasus. Lalu Kalimantan Selatan dengan tambahan 149 kasus dan totalnya mencapai 6.150 kasus  Penambahan Kasus positif baru hari ini ada 3.308 kasus. Jumlah kumulatif kini ada 169.195 kasus, sedangkan kasus aktif secara nasional berada di angka 39.132. DKI Jakarta menjadi penyumbang terbanyak dengan tambahan 861 kasus dan kumulatifnya mencapai 37.943 kasus.  Jawa Timur terbanyak kedua dengan tambahan 641 kasus baru dan kumulatifnya mencapai 32.754 kasus. Lalu ada Jawa Barat dengan tambahan harian sebanyak 287 kasus dan kumulatifnya mencapai 10.815 kasus.  Dari...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live

Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits

Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits When Bayer, the giant German chemical and pharmaceutical maker, acquired Monsanto two years ago, the company knew it was also buying the world’s best-known weedkiller. What it didn’t anticipate was a legal firestorm over claims that the herbicide, Roundup, caused cancer.Now Bayer is moving to put those troubles behind it, agreeing to pay more than $10 billion to settle tens of thousands of claims while continuing to sell the product without adding warning labels about its safety.The deal, announced Wednesday, is among the largest settlements ever in U.S. civil litigation. Negotiations were extraordinarily complex, producing separate agreements with 25 lead… NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger conditions in creatur...

Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits

Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits When Bayer, the giant German chemical and pharmaceutical maker, acquired Monsanto two years ago, the company knew it was also buying the world’s best-known weedkiller. What it didn’t anticipate was a legal firestorm over claims that the herbicide, Roundup, caused cancer.Now Bayer is moving to put those troubles behind it, agreeing to pay more than $10 billion to settle tens of thousands of claims while continuing to sell the product without adding warning labels about its safety.The deal, announced Wednesday, is among the largest settlements ever in U.S. civil litigation. Negotiations were extraordinarily complex, producing separate agreements with 25 lead... NCC2020723 Coronaviruses are a team of related infections that trigger conditions in creat...


Photo from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live


Photo National Coronavirus Cleaning from National CoronaVirus Cleaning from Phillips Doris Live from Carrillo Lynnette Live